An autoresponder is a tool that will respond automatically when a form is filled out. The response is an email that will be sent to the email supplied on the form. This type of autoresponse is just one email that usually acknowledges the fact that you filled out the form. An autoresponder campaign is a system that adds the email to a series of messages that have been pre-programmed into an autoresponder campaign.
Autoresponder Campaign
An email campaign is a series of messages that are designed to stay in touch with your potential customers after they have opted in to your email series. This series of messages are designed so that you can continue to be in the mind of your potential customer. The potential customer is obviously interested in what you have or they would not have completed the process of filling out your online form. The autoresponder will maintain and build the relationship that you have started with a new potential customer.
Setting Up An Autoresponder
When you setup your autoresponder you are essentially writing a series of messages that will keep your product or service in front of the customer. You do not want all of your messages to be selling messages. In today’s marketplace it is best to drip information on your customer to let them know that you understand what their issues are and that you have a way to help them deal with those issues. If you can offer a free trial this can work very well depending on your product. The key is to keep them interested until they take the desired action.
Follow Up Messages
Your follow up messages can be setup to automatically be sent at any interval that you want them to. You must balance the frequency of the messages so that you are informative but not overly aggressive. It is best to send one message immediately when the customer signs up. You should also include a redirect after the form is filled out giving the customer information of what to look for in your next email so that they can white list your email. There is nothing worse than having someone optin and then have all of your great email messages go into junk mail.
It’s not all about selling
Your messages should be designed to be informative and not about just selling. Your customers are looking for answers so help them to find them in the email messages that you send to them. Obviously your ultimate goal is to have them make a purchase at some point so you can either incorporate direct selling messages in the follow up messages or have a small section designed for selling in each message.
Autoresponder Software
Having a great series of messages to followup with your customer is essential but you must also have a reliable way to send these messages and also a way to have these potential customer optin to your messages. There are a huge amount of autoresponder systems available on the internet today. You need to do your research to see what will fit for you. Consider the following when selecting an Autoresponder System.
The number of messages in your series
The number of potential customers in your list
Do you need to send html messages
Can you import an established list into your autoresponder
What is the deliverability
In the old days you could import a list that you already have directly into your autoresponder. This is not the case with many online autoresponders today. If you purchase autoresponder leads then you will most likely not be able to import these into an autoresponder unless you purchase a server of your own. There are autoresponders that you can also pay monthly for but these are very expensive and deliverability becomes an issue. If your messages are not being delivered then why bother?
For many years now I have used an autoreponder that resides on my home computer called Xpert Followup. This autoresponder has every one of the features available by all of the top brand auttoresponders online. I do not need to make a purchase of any extra servers and there is no monthly fees involved. You purchase the software once and install it on your windows computer.
You setup your messages like any other autoresponder. You can have multiple lists and multiple campaigns. This software basically does everything required to follow up with your customers. When I first considered this software I was concerned that my internet provider would shut me down but that has not been an issue. You can even control the amount of emails sent per hour or day. By sending smaller amounts of email per hour you can assure better deliverability.
Try your FREE Xpert Follow Up Autoresponder Download today